Emotional Support
Not only do we want to support you while dealing with the practical aspects of a bereavement, we want to help with the emotional side of it as well.

Coping With a Bereavement
Most people expect to be very upset or distressed when someone close to them has died. What takes many people by surprise is how strong the emotions can be, how they can change very quickly, and how long they last. You might appear to be your usual self to other people, but on the inside you are struggling to deal with the overwhelming feelings.
Talking Helps
Everyone grieves in a way that is unique to them and their relationship with the person who has died.
We know that no-one can understand exactly what your loss feels like to you. But we do understand that it’s sometimes easier to talk to someone outside of your friends and family about grief and the impact of bereavement on your life. This is why we offer the GriefChat service.

Specially Trained Counsellors
GriefChat was created by bereavement experts and by clicking on the GriefChat box below, you can chat directly to a specially trained Bereavement Counsellor. GriefChat counsellors are experienced in supporting bereaved people and will listen to your story, explore how your grief is affecting you and help you find any additional support you might need. GriefChat is a completely free service and is available Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm or by email out of these hours.
GriefChat is provided by Professional Help Limited, one of our carefully selected partners. By continuing to use the GriefChat widget you are agreeing to their Terms and Conditions, and Privacy Policy. For more information you can contact us or Professional Help Limited via the GriefChat widget.